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Producing Milk Everyday

The Freshest and tastiest milk comes from local farms. Bates Dairy is proud of our partnership with farmers across the region, and together we look forward to a bright, milky white future for our local produce.

Below are just a few of the dairy farms that we work with. Take a closer look at them and the farming families that help Bates Dairy deliver the freshest milk, direct to you, every day.

Oaks Farm On Wirral

Run by Mark Shepherd and his family

The family have 220 dairy cows on 300 acres and all their heifer replacements are home reared. The farm is mainly grass providing grazing in the summer and silage in the winter for the cows and young stock. Maize silage is also purchased to feed the cows along with home produced grass silage during the winter.

Westwood Farm On Wirral

Run by David Hughes and his sons

David was born on Westwood farm and has been running it himself since 1970. In 1972 he expanded the farm to 400 Acres. In the 90’s David’s two sons returned to the farm to help run the business. Westwood Farm has a total of has 210 dairy cows with all Heifer replacements home-reared.